Beetle Wars

Beetle Wars Level SelectorPut your self in the shoes of a Beetle who's desperately trying to guard his turf from a horde of different Beetles.

The game walks you through various innovative enemies in each level, most level have multiple enemies.

You have different weapons and powers to choose from in the inventory.

Beetle Wars Gameplay:

Beetle wars is another out of the box game, its also the first game that I have come across created by

The game could have been a Tad bit faster but none the less it gets you hooked on until you can finish the levels.

It gets interesting as new beetles with new powers pop up and more difficult with each level up. Some interesting weapons and innovative enemies make this game a complete entertainer.Beetle Wars Screenshot

Beetle War Controls:

The arrow keys get the beetle moving, while the weapons and powers can be controlled with Q,W,E,A,S & D. Alright, time to Beat it, Beetle!

Beetle Wars Embed Code:


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