The Visitor Returns - LOL A Short Visit
Yes that's what it is, if you played the first and second version of the visitor, then you probably may end up a disappointed with the sheer size of the game. The three stages of point and click adventure are fun and then the twist in the end of the game is, multiple endings. All you end up with is a six button multiple combination to have mortal kombat style fatalities. Quite gory, keeping the tradition of the visitor alive. But if this is your first time you would probably end up checking out the sponsor site or end up playing the first installation of the visitor. Its not that the game is bad, its just that it has only three pages of point and clicking fun, it does fare well there. The only thing would be the repetitive music that i ended up switching off pretty fast, faster than the game ends. The game although short is challenging and is quite must add again gory, the ending is definitely a nice evil twist but it really needed to be at least double the size of this one. But ...