
Showing posts from October, 2010

Paradox Embrace

The guys at clickshake games have come up with Paradox Embrace, perhaps a funny name for a game. But the game itself is no joke, Paradox Embrace takes you through levels of multi dimensional puzzles. In one map you have multiple dimensions of Nature, Technology and Mysticism. What does that mean? Well lets see you have different portals that activate a new world in the map, when for example Nature is activated, the forces of Technology and Mysticism stop and only the forces of Nature are alive. So switching between these three worlds or dimensions, you have to escape traps, get keys, unlock doors and areas and solve the puzzle to progress through each level. Not only is the game play and puzzles fun, each map has three dimensions of art that makes a lot of eye candy. Combine the eye candy with some nice sounds, and Paradox Embrace becomes an audio visual treat while your moving level to level. Don't worry if you can't figure out whats going on in the first level, by the time y...

Civilization Wars

There are games that you enjoy playing for a while and then there are games like Civilization Wars, that you can end up playing for days, not because its difficult because its fun, interesting and comes packed with a whole lot of features that keeps you entertained for hours. Civilization wars, takes the concept of bug wars and phage wars where you have bases to spawn and towers to capture and defeat the enemy with upgrading certain skills, is interesting. But the in depth evolution of your race where you can choose from skills, xp, agility, spells and much more make civilization wars stand out among the others. Not only this but the game is immense with much more appealing maps with eye candy placed all over. The game is large, including maps, zombie mode, sudden death and much more built into it. So this means yes a lot of time with some gorgeous game play. But for those of you with old computers like this out dated laptop of mine, playing civilization wars on full screen put your ...

Cursed Treasure

I have always found tower defense games a whole lot of fun, in such a small niche to find elements of fun are very appealing. Every tower defense has to have the two main elements, towers and enemies coming either to destroy your temple or row your jewels. Cursed treasure is exactly this, you have a set of jewels that you need to protect. Although the game has only a limited amount of towers, that's 3 towers but after a certain amount of upgrades you can then choose from two main upgrades totaling up to 6 kinds of towers. That's still not enough variety, but they do a wonderful job of making those 6 towers entertaining. A good variety of enemies come in as well to rob your jewels, you have a tower frenzy or a meteor shower to help boost your defenses. The game comprises of 15 different levels and after accomplishing each level you get certain amount of skill points that can spend on upping either tower power or mana quantity and much more. So this tower defense definitely makes...